For today’s Guild Chronicles update, we wanted to spotlight how the character creation and advancement rules allow for versatile, diverse, trope-breaking character builds. Unlike D&D and many other TTRPGs, Guild Chronicles players are not functionally bound to a single Class (or heavily penalized for multiclassing). Instead, they are free to spend Experience Points to purchase Archetypes, Classes, Powers and Talents without restriction.
By allowing players complete freedom to spend their Experience Points, very diverse builds can manifest. Some players opt to invest heavily in a single Class, becoming a specialist in this one niche. Others choose to sprinkle a few Powers from many Classes, seeking out unique combinations or building flexible characters with varied capabilities. As characters advance and gain more Experience Points, builds become increasingly unique and complex, allowing even veteran players opportunities to challenge themselves.
To illustrate how flexible and dynamic the Guild Chronicles character creation and advancement is, we’ve created two Armsmasters who are both focused on dealing damage. One commits fully to the Armsmaster Class, investing in many Powers that allow it to be a versatile, durable front-line fighter. The other build opts to multiclass as an Elementalist, and wield a weapon traditionally thought of as a spellcasting weapon. This build allows for a much higher Critical Hit rate and damage that ramps up over the course of the battle.
Below you will find each Archetype and Class (written in bold letters) as well as the Powers purchased by each of the two characters. The three Archetypes are Warrior, Mage and Channeler. Each Archetype costs 3 Experience Points to purchase and unlocks 12 Powers and 4 Classes. Each Class, in turn, costs 3 Experience Points and unlocks an additional 12 Powers.
A short description of each Power is written in italics beneath it. Powers cost 1 or 2 Experience Points and grant new abilities (both active and passive). Talents, the last thing that Experience Points can be spent on, are a unique subset of Powers that are unlocked with a prerequisite Skill or Attribute rating.
Beneath these Powers you will find the Capstone (unique Powers that are unlocked at specific levels and cannot be purchased with Experience Points) purchased by the character and the Weapon equipped. Beneath the Weapon, you will find the Benefit for wielding it and a description of its two Strikes. Included in each character build are examples of the full text of a handful of Powers or the equipped Weapon.
20 Experience Point Armsmaster Build
This build goes deep into Armsmaster, taking advantage of heavy hitting front-line attacks and stacking up on self-healing. The result is a capable melee combatant who can shift into an off-tank role or go toe-to-toe with any enemy. This character will sustain itself without exhausting the group’s healing resources.
Mobile Assault
Strike and Move before or after
Negate one attack per battle
Resurging Strength
Chance to recharge Parry when you Critically Hit
Off-Hand Attack
Strike with your shield as a Minor Action
Critical Hits deal extra damage
Unfailing Resolve
Strike, heal, and damage attackers
Deadly Precision
Roll twice for your next Strike
Increase Reach this Turn
Pain Threshold
Gain a bonus to Defense for the Turn each time you’re hit
Weapon Specialist
Strikes with your Scythe deal more damage and heal you
+10 Hit Points
+10 Hit Points
Giant Strength
+2 to melee Attacks
Battle Stances (Armsmaster)
Assume a stance to gain a bonus; usually self-healing
Armsmasters’ Class Perk allows them to use a Two-Handed Weapon as a Main-Hand Weapon.
Main-Hand: Scythe
Benefit: Regain more Hit Points each time you are Healed
Strike 1: Strike that grants you Temporary Hit Points
Strike 2: Strike that prevents your Target from Healing
Off-Hand: Shield
Benefit: +1 to Defense
Off-Hand Strike: Move your Target 1 Square
Full text of example Powers:
Play Summary
On most Turns, this character will use Deadly Precision (to increase their damage and Critical Hit rate) as their Minor Action, Move into position (if needed) combine Unfailing Resolve (an Attack Power) with Fortitude (a Strike from their Scythe).
Hit Points: 80
Damage: 2d10+7 Damage
Effects: Heal 12 and gain 5 Temporary Hit Points per Strike
Critical Hit: Each Critical Hit deals +5 Damage and has a 33% chance to recharge Parry
20 Experience Point Armsmaster | Elementalist Build
This build spends more than half of its Experience Points on Archetypes and Classes. In doing so, it unlocks Powers that dramatically increases its Critical Hit rate and allows it to shine as a less-durable front-line fighter. This character’s damage ramps up as it gets Critical Hits, really shining in longer battles.
Mobile Assault
Strike and Move before or after
Critical Hits deal extra damage
Deadly Precision
Roll twice for your next Strike
Exploit Vulnerability
You and the next Ally to Strike your Target Critically Hit
Magic Missile
Strike with +3 Range
Gout of Flame
Strike and reroll 1s and 2s
Critical Hits give you a Stacking +2 bonus to future Attacks
Critical Aim (Armsmaster)
d8s Critically Hit on 7 and 8, d10s Critically Hit on 9 and 10
Armsmasters’ Class Perk allows them to use a Two-Handed Weapon as a Main-Hand Weapon.
Main Hand: Frost Staff
Benefit: Critical Hits deal +1d6 Damage
Strike 1: Strike that Slows your Target
Strike 2: Strike that Moves your Target
Off-Hand: Power Focus
Benefit: +2 bonus to Attacks
Full text of example Weapon:
Play Summary
On most Turns, this character will use Deadly Precision (to increase their damage and Critical Hit rate) as their Minor Action, Move into position (if needed) and combine Gout of Flame (an Attack Power) with Chill (a Strike from their Frost Staff).
Hit Points: 60
Damage: 1d8+1d10+5 Damage
Effects: Slow your Target, reroll 1s and 2s, increased Critical Hit range
Critical Hit: Each Critical Hit does +1d6+5 Damage (which can also Critically Hit) and grants a +2 Stacking bonus to Attacks for the rest of the battle
Both of these characters began as Armsmasters and are highly effective damage dealers, but for different reasons. Another player might opt to combine Armsmaster with Defender to build a punishing off-tank or combine Armsmaster and Ranger to build a skirmishing long-range archer. The flexibility to multiclass without restriction and mix and match Powers for unique results allows players to break out of molds and create unique builds.
If you’re looking for a system that frees you to build characters your way, you’ve found it. Break out of the linear character building of other games and give Guild Chronicles a try.
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We’re honored to be a featured project on Kickstarter! Our Kickstarter Campaign is running through April 21st in celebration of Autism Acceptance Month. If you want a new TTRPG to try, or are interested in how role playing games can foster social emotional skills, we’d love for you to check it out!
52 Waltham Street, Lexington, Massachusetts
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© 2022, Guild Chronicles, LLC